Circuit Maker Software For Windows 7
Posted : admin On 27.10.2019. Parent article: Installation of CircuitMaker is both intuitive and fast, courtesy of the CircuitMaker Installer. This wizard-based installer streamlines the initial installation process, while letting you choose the initial 'flavor' of the installation, in terms of installed functionality. This article takes a look at the procedure for installing CircuitMaker for the first time on a computer. Pre-Install Preparation To use CircuitMaker requires an account to be setup. This is achieved by registering to become part of the CircuitMaker Community - through the. The wizard-based CircuitMaker Installer is accessed by running a small (approx.
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9MB) executable – CircuitMakerSetup.exe. This executable is downloaded from the website, and can be saved anywhere on your hard disk. Each version of the software, starting with CircuitMaker 1.0, has its own dedicated installer. Running the Installer Double-click the CircuitMakerSetup.exe file. The CircuitMaker Installer welcome page will appear. Initial welcom page for the CircuitMaker Installer.
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The installer itself is wizard-based, providing a set of progressive (and intuitive) pages that collectively gather the information to effectively install the version of the software, and its initial feature set, as you require. Click NEXT to continue. The following sections provide a summary of the various pages you will encounter. License Agreement This page of the Installer presents you with the Altium End-User License Agreement (EULA). Read and accept Altium's End-User License Agreement. Before you can continue with the installation of the software, you must read through, and accept, the terms of this agreement. The agreement can be viewed in different languages, including English (the default), German, Chinese and Japanese.
With the EULA read, continue with the install by clicking the I AGREE button. Account Log-In You will now be presented with an Account Log In pop-up window. This simply means logging in to your CircuitMaker Account, using your CircuitMaker Community Credentials.
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The reason for this is two-fold:. Firstly, it verifies your identity and that installation of the software is valid, as determined by your account. Secondly, it provides secure access to the Altium Vault in which the installation files reside – the files that are required to be downloaded before the software can ultimately be installed on the PC.
Log in to your account using your CircuitMaker Community Credentials. Select Design Functionality This next page of the Installer allows you to specify which features are installed initially. The PCB Design option provides the base software and core technologies required to perform PCB design.
It is always installed and cannot be deselected. Use the remaining options to tailor the install to suit your needs. This will also have an impact on the initial installation time too! Click to enable functionality at the parent level, to quickly enable all of its child functionality too. Remember, no matter what decision you take at initial install, you can add or remove features and functionality at any stage after installation. This puts you in the driving seat as it were, to fully customize your installation in-line with your, possibly ever-changing, design needs.
After defining what functionality you'd like, click NEXT to proceed. Destination Folders This next page of the Installer allows you to specify the destination folders for the install, in terms of both the Program Files for the software and the Shared Documents that are accessed and used by the software. Specify where the software and associated documents are to be installed.
These locations become especially important when installing multiple instances of CircuitMaker. If one or both of these destinations is not currently an empty folder (i.e. Devoid of content) you will be prevented from proceeding with the installation until you specify alternate (and empty) destination(s). The default destinations (based on Windows 8/Windows 7 OS) are: Program Files C: Program Files (x86) Altium CM Shared Documents C: Users Public Documents Altium CM To specify alternate locations, simply type the location directly into the applicable field, or click the folder icon at the right of a field and browse for the required destination folder.
Once the install locations are specified, click NEXT to continue. Ready To Install The Installer now has all the information it requires to proceed with the installation. If you need to change anything, click the BACK button. If you want to cancel out of the install, click CANCEL. Ready to begin the install! To go ahead and proceed with the installation, click NEXT. Installing CircuitMaker The Installer now changes from the Preparing phase to the Installing phase, as reflected in the Installer's left-hand pane.
Installation proceeds, with the required files first being downloaded (from the secure cloud-based Altium Vault). Progress of this download is displayed within this next page of the Installer. Installation commences by downloading the required set of install files. Once the download of files is complete, they will be installed, again with progress displayed in the Installer. After the download is complete, the software is then installed. Installation Complete When the installation itself completes, you have reached the end of the Installer wizard.
That's it, installation is complete! To exit the Installer and launch CircuitMaker, simply click RUN CIRCUITMAKER. To exit without launching the software, click FINISH. You have installed CircuitMaker on your computer, and initially tailored its functionality to suit your design needs. Now it's time to do what you do best and go create that next innovative design - a design that can be shared with other Makers and Hobbyists within the community. Logging into the Software Since CircuitMaker is a solution built for community-based design, you will need to be signed-in to the CircuitMaker Community to use the software. Once signed-in, you will have access to the wealth of design projects and components built by other members of the community, and of course be able to add your own creations for others to see.
When you first launch the software, you will be presented with the community's Login page. Enter your CircuitMaker account credentials into the applicable fields and click the SIGN IN button. These are the same credentials you just used during the installation process - your email address supplied when registering, and the temporary password that was supplied to you. You'll need to login to the CircuitMaker Community in order to use the software.