C W Stoneking Rapidshare
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C&w Stoneking Zombie
Torrent Contents. Stoneking & The Blue Tits. 04 Big Bill Blues.mp3 3,674 KB; 01 The Duck's Yass Yass Yass.mp3 3,664 KB. Here you can download c w stoneking shared files: #C.W.C.X7.C#.rar mega.co.nz C w stoneking king hokum 7z mediafire.com (54 MB) free from TraDownload. What are the best albums by C.W. BestEverAlbums.com brings together thousands of 'greatest ever album' charts and calculates an overall ranking.

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The man in the white slacks, white button-down shirt and blue spotted bow tie saunters along the waterfront. His freshly barbered hair is shaven at the back and sides and oiled and back-combed like yer grandad used to. His age is impossible to guess as he sits down to order the crispy fried squid at a table under Melbourne's Princes Bridge. Pale lashes sweep clear blue eyes but his smooth face makes well-worn wrinkles when he smiles.
Big tatts on the back of each hand likewise suggest a full life: Atticus and Ishmael on the right, Florence and Harriet on the left. SHARE. Link Aussie growler: CW Stoneking recorded and mixed his new album in two days. Photo: Kane Hibberd 'Boogaloo? It's a dance, I think, but it's unrelated to any type of music that's actually on my rekkid,' says C.W. Stoneking — that last southern-fried Americanism somehow blending seamlessly with the red-dirt Aussie mumble of his hometown of Katherine.
'In the '40s, I think, it was described as like a cha-cha with a backbeat. It was the Cubans mixin' it up with R&B.' He drums on the table to illustrate. 'Ju-joong JOONK! Ju-joong JOONK!'
The waiter looks up, then down again. 'The word is more exciting than the beat, to me,' the curious stranger says with a grin. 'So I wrote a song and put it in there about 100 times. Pared it back to 90. I had no rekkid title and the word kept lookin' at me. All them zeros reminded me how much money I wanted to earn.'
This is how C.W. Rolls: half laconic conversation, half juiced-up old-school showbiz patter. What makes him such good company is that the joins never show. What you hear on his albums, hard as it can be to believe, is pretty much what you get. By submitting your email you are agreeing to Fairfax Media's and. 'It's hard to make a new type of thing.
It took me a long time. I've been trying to not make songs about the jungle,' he says, smiling. That part didn't work.
'In the end I just had to give up tryin'. But that was like three years wasted avoiding it, you know what I mean?'
What wasn't wasted on this leg of the jungle cruise, from Melbourne to Britain and back to a new home in northwest Victoria, was studio time. Gon' Boogaloo was recorded and mixed in two days, live, in a stone building out Castlemaine way with two microphones capturing the whole swinging scene in single takes of impeccably distorted goodness. With the Jungle Blues horn section retired and a spooky new gaggle of girly back-up singers, it's certainly a new type of thing for Stoneking. For the rest of us Spotify streamers though, it sounds about as old as rekkids get. The ringmaster's electric guitar warps and wails through an old movie projector amplifier for much of it.
The singers, Vika and Linda Bull and Maddy and Memphis Kelly, sound like they're chiming in from a Betty Boop cartoon as the bass and drums rumble deep back in the vines. 'I like the sound of those old rekkids; distorted and everything,' Stoneking says. 'I don't really listen out, but if I do happen to hear something like a new jazz recording, it sounds so crap.
The drums are too loud, everything is separated. You listen to a good old Billie Holiday or Django Reinhardt rekkid and everything is smooshed together.
It's more truer, I reckon.' But talk of this kind tests his patience a little.
Yes, he had to Google a bit to find the right kind of analog obsessive, Alex Bennett, with the right kind of space and gear, but 'how it came out was sort of accidental,' he says. 'It has tons of flaws. 'To me, the most important thing is always the songwriting. Tons of songs I love, the only recordings you can hear are off some reclaimed 78 that's been played a million times and sat in a suitcase or wheeled down a hall by some children. 'If the song is good or the singing is good that's why I was prepared to let the recording process be what it was. I think the songs just stand up. It sounds energetic.'
Stoneking hasn't been a follower of current music, he reckons, since he was about 17. Some of his earliest memories involve his father sitting cross-legged on the floor of a Saturday morning, stereo blaring, surrounded by records mostly from early '60s America. Young CW — it stands for 'Stanley Rogers,' he says without further explanation — got turned on to 'the Beatles and stuff at first, then Frankie Valli, Sam Cooke, Shirelles.
All them singing groups. Then Hendrix'n that, when I started playing guitar.'
King Hokum
Relocated to Balmain in Sydney, he played in hard rock bands at school but when the regular kids left and got jobs, 'I ended up with all these old dudes, busking, playing blues and stuff,' he says. 'Then I kept on getting into that by myself. And that became my main thing.'
From a pop industry perspective, some might even call it a schtick, with the rekkids and the bowties and oiled hair and vintage recording techniques and all. How considered was the package that comes with the songs?
'Well,' he says, 'I just always did what I wanted to do. And then it got more trendy.' For the family man in C.W. Stoneking's white leather shoes, the embrace isn't always comfortable. A few years back, the uber-trendy Jack White got in touch to ask him to record a seven-inch vinyl single for his Third Man label — alongside such notables as Wanda Jackson and Loretta Lynn.
Stoneking entertained the idea, but then politely declined. 'I know I shouldn't bite the hand that feeds but I just don't know where I stand with the whole music business,' he says, choosing his words carefully. 'I'm working it out still.' His eyes light up again when talk turns to the more local and immediate prospect of his Gon' Boogaloo launch dates. He recently sent the Kelly girls (daughters of a long-time fan named Paul) a couple of old gospel tunes for consideration in the set. What they came back with 'was just too good, man,' he says.
C&w Stoneking Jungle Blues

'So I'm gonna send 'em a bunch more. 'If I can get 'em goin' on some real cookin' gospel, I'd be happy to do only gospel tunes and the new rekkid. That's what I listen to the most now. That's what I like.'
Gon' Boogaloo is out today. Stoneking plays the Forum on November 15.