Where There Is Light Yogananda Pdf
Posted : admin On 10.09.2019~best pdf~ - Download PDF/ePub eBook Where There Is Light Yogananda Where There Is Light Yogananda [PDF] WHERE THERE IS LIGHT YOGANANDA.
Paramahansa Yogananda
This wisdom-filled volume of selections from the writings and lectures of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, provides a wealth of practical guidance and inspiration for all who are seeking greater spiritual harmony and balance. Filled with even more encouraging and powerful insights than before, this expanded edition of Where There Is Light brings the illumination of spiritual insight to bear on the many challenges of everyday living – awakening a renewed awareness of the infinite potentials hidden within each one of us. Topics include:. Finding wisdom and strength to make life’s decisions. The antidote for stress, worry, and fear. Transforming our failures into success. Security in an uncertain world.
Perfecting human relationships. The power of meditation, affirmation, and prayer. Understanding death. Cultivating a personal relationship with God This engaging anthology contains wisdom nuggets from Sri Yogananda’s teachings that inspire and illuminate. Here are some samples: “Creative thinking is the best antidote for moods. Moods get their grip on your consciousness when you are in a negative or passive state of mind.” “The mind may tell you that you cannot free yourself from a particular habit; but habits are nothing but repetitions of your own thoughts, and these you have the capacity to change.” “Life is entertaining when we do not take it too seriously. A good laugh is an excellent remedy for human ills.”.
(1893–1952) is widely regarded as one of the preeminent spiritual figures of our time. Born in northern India, he came to the United States in 1920, where for more than thirty years he taught India’s ancient philosophy and science of yoga meditation and the art of balanced spiritual living.
The first great master of Yoga to live and teach in the West for an extended period of time, he traveled and lectured extensively throughout North America and abroad, speaking to capacity audiences in major cities and revealing the underlying unity of the world’s great religions. He has inspired millions through his acclaimed life story, Autobiography of a Yogi, his groundbreaking commentaries on the scriptures of East and West, and his numerous other books. Paramahansa Yogananda’s spiritual and humanitarian work continues to be carried on today by Self-Realization Fellowship, the international society he founded in 1920 to disseminate his teachings worldwide.
$7.49 $5.62 Quantity: A practical handbook to which readers can quickly turn for a reassuring sense of direction in times of uncertainty or crisis, or for positive guidance and encouragement in meeting the challenges of everyday living. Selections from Paramahansa Yogananda's lectures, writings, and informal talks are arranged under more than 40 topics, including:. Friendship. Marriage. Creativity. Healing. Decision-making.
Overcoming worry and fear. Understanding death About the Author: Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952), hailed as The Father of Yoga in the West, is widely revered as one of the preeminent spiritual figures of our time. Born in northern India on January 5, 1893, he took formal vows as a monk of India's venerable monastic Swami Order soon after graduating from Calcutta University in 1915.
Two years later, he began his life's work with the founding of a 'how-to-live' school—since grown to twenty-one educational institutions throughout India—where traditional academic subjects were offered together with yoga training and instruction in spiritual ideals. In 1920, he was invited to the United States to speak at an interfaith congress of religious leaders, where he gave an historic address on 'The Science of Religion.' That same year he founded Self-Realization Fellowship, an international society dedicated to introducing throughout the world his teachings on the age-old science and philosophy of Yoga and its time-honored tradition of meditation; and to helping people of all races and creeds to realize and express more fully in their lives the beauty, nobility, and divinity of the human spirit. During the more than thirty years that Paramahansa Yogananda lived and taught in the West, he contributed in far-reaching ways to a deepening awareness and appreciation of the ancient wisdom of the East.
Today his spiritual and humanitarian work is being carried on under the direction of Sri Daya Mata, one of his earliest and closest disciples and president of Self-Realization Fellowship / Yogoda Satsanga Society of India since 1955. From its international headquarters in Los Angeles, the society publishes his writings, lectures, and informal talks (including a comprehensive series of lessons for home study) and guides the work of its monastic communities, temples and retreats, meditation centers, and a Worldwide Prayer Circle. Type your information below: Help us to improve our product listings.
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