Emerging Enterprises Business Law Program

Posted : admin On 08.11.2019

Small Local Business Enterprise. Small local businesses that are certified as Small Local Business Enterprises/Emerging Local Business. About the Program.

Emerging Enterprises Business Law Program

Business Enterprise Program Florida


Emerging Enterprise Network Applications

Select a Language -Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Opportunities New York City's 'MWBE' program is designed to promote government contracting opportunities for businesses owned by minorities and women. Our 'Emerging Business Enterprise' program is designed to promote such opportunities for businesses owned by persons who are 'socially and economically disadvantaged.' Firms owned by persons in groups for which MBE or WBE goals have not been established may be able to qualify for certification as 'emerging business enterprises.' Each City agency adopts an annual plan setting forth its goals for procurements from MBEs and WBEs. The goals in the Law Department’s plan for Fiscal Year 2016 are as follows: Less than or equal to $20,000 $20,001 to $100,000 Greater than $100,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Black 3% 3% 3% Hispanic 2% 2% 2% Women 9% 9% 9% STANDARD SERVICES Black 12% 12% 12% Hispanic 6% 6% 6% Asian 3% 3% 3% Women 10% 10% 10% GOODS Black 7% 7% Hispanic 5% 5% Asian 8% 8% Women 25% 25% Eligible firms are encouraged to become 'certified' as minority-owned, woman-owned, and emerging business enterprises. Certified firms will appear in an online directory maintained by the City's Department of Small Business Services. City agencies will be using this directory, and making other outreach efforts, to identify firms and encourage them to make bids and proposals for City business.

City agencies will be tracking and reporting our success in achieving goals to the Department of Small Business Services, the Mayor's Office of Contract Services, and the City Council. The reports will be available to the public. For more information, please contact the Law Department's MWBE Officer, Muriel Goode-Trufant, at 212-356-2200, or visit.

1 Our local law provides that a person who is 'socially and economically disadvantaged' is 'a person who has experienced social disadvantage in American society as a result of causes not common to persons who are not socially disadvantaged, and whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system has been impaired due to diminished capital and credit opportunities as compared to others in the same business area who are not socially disadvantaged.' The Commissioner of Small Business Services will promulgate regulations addressing how social and economic disadvantage may be demonstrated by applicants for the program. In drafting such regulations, the Commissioner is to consider criteria developed for federal programs established to promote opportunities for businesses owned by persons who are socially and economically disadvantaged, including criteria for determining eligibility in relation to the net worth of persons claiming to be economically disadvantaged. The net worth of a person claiming economic disadvantage must be less than one million dollars, excluding the ownership interest in the business enterprise and the equity in the person's primary personal residence. Copyright The City of New York.