Cod 4 Private Server Patch
Posted : admin On 16.10.2019Splatterladder,ladder,tracker,fragalizer,enemy territory,et,rtcwet,rtcw,clan,player,ranking,map,server,team,enemy,territory,project,projekt,farcry. Nov 20, 2013 of Duty 4 v1.7 PRIVATE WINDOWS SERVER & NO-WAIT.
(cod4 v1.7 Compliant) Dedicated Server Setup and Usage Guide This guide assumes you have remote access, FTP, and at least one IP to your Dedicated Server box. Guide Contents Dedicated Server Installation Stock ModWarfare Setup Server Administration Custom Mod Setup Punkbuster Information Multiple Server Installation Adding Custom Maps Home PC Server Installation Dedicated Server Installation Step 1 - Install The Server Files Make sure your game install is patched and fully operational, including Punkbuster. Open C:/Program Files/ Activision on your pc, and copy/paste the Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare folder to C: on your hard drive. To simplify things, rename the copy to cod4.
Open the cod4 folder and delete the following folders and files (Highlighted Green) You do not need to upload these files, it will save you 1.25GB: Docs Players C: cod4 main save C: cod4 main video - Open the C: cod4 pb folder and delete everything. Upload the cod4 folder and all of its contents to C: on your box. It is critical that the naming and file structure remain intact, do not change anything. This will take quite a few hours, so time it so it does not interfere with your normal pc usage. Step 2 - Install The Punkbuster Files The next thing to do is get the Punkbuster server files. Login to your box and create a folder on the desktop called 'pbsetup'.
Download pbsetup.exe from Evenbalance to your new pbsetup folder from this link: - Run pbsetup.exe and click 'Add a Game'. Choose a CoD4 server. You might need to browse to the iw3mp.exe file so that pbsetup knows where your CoD4 server is located. Once you have added your CoD4 server, select/highlight the CoD4 server in the list and click 'Check For Updates'.
This should download a number of files to your CoD4 server directories. You do not have to do anything else at this time, but you will have to add cfg's and cheat detection checks later. Step 3 - Copy The Game Files - Before you do anything else, create a copy of the cod4 folder using copy/paste. You will need this if you plan to run multiple servers or if something goes fubar on your server you will have a fresh copy of the files. Just copy/paste it anywhere convienient.
Step 4 - Create The Startup Shortcut - Login to your box and open the cod4 folder. Right click the iw3mp.exe file and select ' Create Shortcut'. Drag the new shortcut to the desktop.
Right click the new shortcut and select Properties. Find the Target field, you will see 'C: cod4 iw3mp.exe' - Add the following to the end of the existing target, do not delete or change any of the existing target! +set dedicated 2 +set netip 123.456.7890 +set netport 28960 +set svmaxclients 32 +set svpunkbuster 1 +exec server.cfg +maprotate Note: Make sure there is a space between iw3mp.exe' and +set dedicated 2 Note: Change svmaxclients to how many player slots you want.
Click Apply and OK. Command Line Information The command line is what starts your server, it sets the global variables for a server such as the IP and Port. There are quite a few parameters you can use but I prefer to use the basics, the rest can be used in the server cfg to make changes much easier.
This is the startup command line for the above instructions: (Windows Only) ' C: cod4 iw3mp.exe ' +set dedicated 2 +set netip 123.456.789.012 +set netport 28960 +set svmaxclients 32 +set svpunkbuster 1 +exec server.cfg +maprotate Step 5 - The Server Configuration File There are a ton of cfg's running around, some are correct, and some are wrong or are invalid for the way the game is designed. You will find that only certain variables can be changed when your server is stock, or in RANKED mode.
Knowing this, and in combination with the startup command, all you need to run a stock RANKED server, is the cfg located here: Edit it to your needs, don't forget to set your rcon password and put the file in the 'C: cod4 main' folder of your server installation. The folder named main. Step 6 - Starting and Joining The Server Double click the shortcut to start the server. If you get a DirectX error, you will need to install this file. Unzip it and put it in your dedicated server's System32 folder. (C:/Windows/System32) - This is the latest DX9 dll file at this writing. Your server should now start if you didnt make any typo's or configuration errors.
Wait for 10-15 minutes and go see if you can find it in the server browser. You may need to refresh a few times. If you can't find it, stop the server for approx. 30 minutes and try again. You can also use your console to connect, but sometimes it won't work. Once you choose your profile in multiplayer, open your console using the tilde key.
Type in /connect (your server ip and port) and hit enter. Remote Start/Stop Tools If you have your own box, chances are you need a remote start/stop tool so you don't have to share access to the box. These are my 3 favorites: (FREE - Easy install) (30 Day Trial - Starts at $39 a Month) (Nice GUI - Starts at $15.95 a Month) Stock ModWarfare Setup Step 1 - The ModWarfare Server Files - Download this file and unzip it. Open the ModWarfare folder in the download and edit the server.cfg file and set the hostname, and rcon password. Upload the files in the ModWarfare folder download to the Mods/ModWarfare folder of your server. Just the files, not the folder itself.
Step 2 - Edit The Startup Command Line NOTE: The game does not recognize the capitol 'M' for the Mods folder, you must use lowercase 'm'. ModWarfare is your fsgame mods/modfolder. Notice the forward slash, and lower-case 'm' in 'mods' In your command line, you will be adding this: +set fsgame mods/ModWarfare A lower-case 'm' in mods, and a forward slash. The entire command line would look like this: 'C: cod4 iw3mp.exe' +set fsgame m ods / ModWarfare +set dedicated 2 +set netip 123.456.7890 +set netport 28960 +set svmaxclients 32 +set svpunkbuster 1 +exec server.cfg +maprotate Custom Mod Setup Step 1 - Get The Mod File Set Note: To better explain this, i will use awe4 (lowercase) as an example. Download the awe4 mod from and open it.
If necessary, create a folder called awe4 and move all the cfg's, mod.ff, and zawe4.iwd into the new folder. (see below) - Open the server.cfg file and set the hostname, rcon password, and the HTTP Redirect. (see Step 4 below) Note: If the server.cfg for the mod has some of the same settings in it as your startup command line, like dedicated 2 or netip for example, disable them. You don't need them twice.
Step 2 - Setup The Server - With FTP, open the ' Mods' folder on your server. Upload the ' awe4' folder you created with all the cfg's and mod files to your servers ' Mods' directory. You should now have both the ' awe4' folder and the ' ModWarfare' folder in the same ' Mods' directory.
Side by side. (see below) Step 3 - Create the Redirect Download Files - Create a folder called ' cod4'.(most people use cod4, you can use w/e) - Open the ' cod4' folder and create a folder called ' mods'.
Create another folder called ' usermaps', right next to the ' mods' folder. If you plan to use custom maps in the future, you will need this folder. Now, copy or drag the ' awe4'folder from Step 1 above into the ' mods' folder you just created.(see below) - Delete everything in the awe4 folder except the mod.ff and zawe4.iwd files. Players need these two files only, the rest is serverside.
Upload the ' cod4' folder and its contents to your websites Root directory (html folder or publichtml folder, depending on your sites setup), keeping the file structure intact. NOTE: You should be able to put the url in your browser (and see the contents of the cod4 folder, the 'mods' and 'usermaps' folders. If you can't view the files, you either installed the cod4 folder in the wrong place, or you have a permissions problem. Discuss permissions with your webhost if need be.
Step 4 - Setup The HTTP Redirect Download All you need to do now is tell the server where the ' cod4' folder is, the server will do the rest from there. In the server.cfg file, scroll down to the HTTP Redirect Download section. Find this line and change it to the website address of the ' cod4' folder you created: seta svwwwBaseURL ' - The server will look for a folder called ' cod4' at the url you specify, so for example, make the url to the download look like this: seta svwwwBaseURL ' It is always one directory above the 'usermaps' or 'mods' folders. EXAMPLE set svallowdownload '1' seta svwwwDownload '1' seta svwwwBaseURL ' seta svwwwDlDisconnected '0' ( IMPORTANT: Set this to '0') Step 5 - Edit The Startup Command Line NOTE: The game does not recognize the capitol 'M' for the Mods folder, you must use lowercase 'm'. Awe4 is your fsgame mods /modfolder. Notice the forward slash, and lower-case 'm' in 'mods' In your command line, you will be adding this: +set fsgame mods /awe4 A lower-case 'm' in mods, and a forward slash.
Finally, you need to change the command line to activate the awe4 mod: +set fsgame m ods / awe4 +set dedicated 2 +set netip 123.456.7890 +set netport 28960 +set svmaxclients 32 +set svpunkbuster 1 +exec server.cfg +maprotate Thats it! Just start your server. Adding Custom Maps You MUST have either ModWarfare or a custom mod like awe4 running to use custom maps.
IMPORTANT: - Since the 1.5 patch, you no longer need to put a map.iwd file in the Mods/yourmod directory. All map files belong in the mpmapname directory, so don't move them even if the readme that comes with the map tells you to. Before using ANY custom map, you should 'clean' it.
The procedure is located in the index of this document. For custom maps to download to players, you have to have the files in two places at the same time. One set on the server, and one set on a website or file server of some sort. Otherwise, the server will try to download the files to the player so slow that it can disconnect or timeout. Step 1 - Create the Server Files For this guide we will use a map called ' mpbalarda' as an example.
Make a new folder called ' usermaps'. Open the ' usermaps' folder and create a new folder naming it exactly the same as the map, in this case the folder would be called ' mpbalarda'.
Unzip the map file and put the mpbalarda.ff, mpbalarda.iwd, and mpbalardaload.ff files into the ' mpbalarda' folder you created. Remember, all 3 files of every custom map goes in its own folder. Log into your server with FTP, and upload the ' usermaps' folder and its contents right next to the other folders such as main, miles, Mods, pb and so on. Step 2 - Create the Redirect Download Files - Open the 'cod4' folder on your webspace or redirect site that you created earlier.
Upload the 'usermaps' folder to the 'cod4' folder, right next to the 'mods' folder you created earlier. Add the map to your mapstring on the server and restart.
(Remember, we're using ModWarfare or a custom mod, so edit the right cfg files) As long as you have the file structures correct and in the correct places, and your Redirect setup properly, all should work as designed. Step 3 - Testing To test, jump on your server, you should get the downloads as you join.
If the speed drops to around 12-20KB/sec, your redirect is not working. Double check your setup. Login with the admin password, and issue the map command /rcon map mpbalarda Add the map to your map rotation. 'gametype war map mpbalarda' Cleaning a Map.IWD File Many maps have what is referred to as a 'dirty'.iwd file.
These can be older maps or maps not compiled correctly and contain unnecessary files that can cause many errors including download looping, map rotation errors, and a few others. These maps can be fixed quite easily and is effective 95% of the time. You will need winrar to edit or 'clean' the files. The newest trial version is available. Install winrar - Double click the map.iwd file, choose 'Select a program from a list' and select Winrar.
Uncheck the box next to 'Always use the selected program to open this kind of file' (a safety precaution) and click ok. Delete everything except the 'images' folder and the 'sounds folder if it exists. Only a few maps will have fx scripts folders. 'Dirty' Example - Browse the contents of the images folder and make sure that there are only.iwi files, period, nothing else. If there is a readme anywhere else in the.iwd, delete it.
'Clean' Example Multiple Server Installation Option 1 - Multiple Game File Installs This option requires that you copy/paste the game install as many times as needed. Using the install guide, install a server and get it totally functional, including punkbuster. Join the server and make sure screenshots, logfiles, everything is working.
Once everythings verified, stop the server. Open C: on your box, and create a folder called 'servers', or 'cod4servers', w/e you want, but i'll use 'servers'. Copy/paste the working server folder into the 'servers' folder and name it cod41, repeat naming the next one cod42, then cod43, you get the idea. This is a good time to decide a permanent naming convention for eachserver folder, trust me, down the road you'll be glad you did. One way is have different size servers and name them that way, cod420, cod424, cod432, etc.
Cod 4 Private Server
Or, you can name them by gametype, tdm, hardcore, koth. So think about it for a minute, then name them. Create the desktop shortcuts next, naming them the same as each server, so you can tell them apart.
Edit the Target fields of the shortcuts, setting the command line, assigning ip's, ports, and so on. Edit your server cfgs for each server, check/edit your PB cfg's as well. If you have multiple IP's on your box, use one for each server.
If you have one IP, just use different port numbers. 28960, 28961, 28962 etc etc. Option 2 - Single Game File Install This option uses one game file install, with custom command line settings and individual server file sets. Using the install guide, install a server and get it totally functional, including punkbuster. Join the server and make sure screenshots, logfiles, everything is working.
Once everythings verified, stop the server. You should have a working server at C: cod4 - On your box, open C: and create a folder called ' servers'. Open the ' servers' folder, create 3 server folder sets, cod41, cod42, cod43, each one containing a ' main' folder, a ' pb' folder, and a ' mods' folder. Open the ' mods' folder and create a folder called ' modwarfare'.
Folder - cod41 -main -pb -mods -mods/modwarfare - Add a server.cfg to each ' main' folder and PB cfg's to eac PB folder. Open the cod4 folder and create 3 shortcuts to iw3mp.exe (Step 4 of install guide), rename them to reflect each server, and drag them to the desktop. Using Step 4 of the install guide as a reference, change the Target line for cod41 to this: C: cod4 iw3mp.exe +set fshomepath 'C:/servers/cod41' +set fsbasepath 'C:/cod4' +set dedicated 2 +set netip 123.456.789.012 +set netport 28960 +set svmaxclients 32 +set svpunkbuster 1 +exec server.cfg +maprotate fshomepath = Your individual server folders you created. (C: servers cod41, cod42, etc) fsbasepath = Your cod4 game files install. (C: cod4) Repeat for the other two shortcuts. Each server will load all files on basepath, and then load all files on homepath.
Each server will generate its own logfiles, screenshots etc. Installing Mods and Game Patches - Mods are installed on your servers like normal ( C: servers cod41 Mods yourmod ), but you MUST install the same mod on the game file install ( C: cod4 Mods yourmod ) for them to work. This was either missed by the devs or is a bug. Patches for the game and punkbuster will have to be applied manually to the game files install.( C: cod4 ) Home PC Server Installation Router Requirements Due to hundreds of different router configurations, there's no real way to guide you in the setup. However, what I can do is give you a quick overview of what you need to do, and point you in the right direction for the information you will need.
What you will need to do is create a static IP in your router, and then point the proper ports to that IP. You might even try placing that IP in the DMZ zone of your router as well. Players will connect to your server using your EXTERNAL IP from, while you will connect to the server using the Local option of the ingame browser.
To begin, go to this link and find your router or a close model. On the next page look for Call of Duty 4, the procedure will be explained from there. You will need to allow the following ports: UDP 20800 UDP 20810 UDP 28960 Additional Resources Determine Server Size - Before you put your server online, you should try to determine how many players your server will support with minimal lag and max performance. Rudedog of has posted this formula that works quite well in determining server max rate and max players: Server Setup - Copy your Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare folder and paste it into 'C'. Rename it to 'cod4server'. The path will be 'C: cod4server' The reason for this is simple, using your game install as the server, which you can, is a bad idea.
If you need to reinstall your game for some reason, you'll loose your server setup. If you don't know your IP, you can get it at, write it down of course.
Download this zip file and open it, it contains server configs for both a Stock Ranked server and a set for ModWarfare. Open the server.cfg and set your rcon password and hostname, and save. Put the server.cfg in your 'C: cod4server main' folder. The folder named main. Create a shortcut to iw3mp.exe and name it cod4server or w/e so you know what it is, and move it to your desktop. Right click the shortcut and choose 'Properties.
Cod 4 Patch 1.8
Edit the 'Target' line so it looks like this, click 'Ok' and close the properties: C: cod4server iw3mp.exe +set dedicated 2 + set netip 123.456.789 +set netport 28960 +set svpunkbuster 1 +set svmaxclients 8 +exec server.cfg +maprotate - Your server should now start by using the shortcut you created. Make sure both cod4server and iw3mp.exe are allowed in the Windows Firewall, under the 'Exceptions' tab usually. If you use a Norton or McAffee type software firewall, you will need to allow the same in their respective exceptions as well. (NOTE: Sometimes you just have to turn all the firewalls off, so be prepared to do so.) Server Administration Logging Into Rcon The rcon password is set in the server.cfg file, you must first login to rcon on the server before you can issue admin commands.
Join your server and open the console with the tilde key. Type in '/rcon login yourpassword' (without the quotes) and hit Enter.
Note: Always use, and never forget, the forward slash '/' when logging in or you will broadcast your rcon password to the other players on the server. Note: To expand console to full screen, hold down Shift and hit the tilde key. Custom Desktop Shortcut This creates a custom shortcut directly to your server, gives you rcon, and puts you in a private slot if you have that configured in your server.cfg. Right click your MP desktop shortcut and choose Copy. Right click your desktop and choose Paste. Right click your new shortcut and choose Rename.
Rename it to w/e you want it to be called. Right click the shortcut and choose Properties. In the Target field you will see this: 'C: Program Files Activision Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare iw3mp.exe' At the very end, after the quote mark, click there so you have a blinking cursor, then hit space one time.
Copy this and paste it in: +rcon login. +password.
+connect' It should look like this when done: 'C: Program Files Activision Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare iw3mp.exe' +rcon login. +password. +connect' Note: Replace the.' s with your passwords for rcon and private slot.
Replace the x's with your server IP. Note: This will take you right into the server with the last profile you selected in multiplayer. Note: Also note that you can edit in the IP and Port and share this as is, the rcon and password settings will be ignored. Rcon Commands Commonly Used Commands Task Usage Example Description Logging in to rcon /rcon login password /rcon login superdude Gives player administrative rights on server. Display Server Information /rcon serverinfo /rcon serverinfo Shows the current server settings.
Display System Information /rcon systeminfo /rcon systeminfo Shows the current System Information. Display Player Information /rcon status /rcon status Displays info for all players on the server. Change a Map /rcon map mapname /ron map mpcrash Loads the map specified by mapname. Rotate to Next Map /rcon maprotate /rcon maprotate Loads next map in rotation. Reload a Map /rcon maprestart /rcon maprestart Restarts round. Any gametype and round limit setting changes will take effect.
Fast Restart a Map /rcon fastrestart /rcon fastrestart Restarts the current map. Execute a Config /rcon exec filename.cfg /rcon exec rifles.cfg Executes a Server Config File (located in your server's main directory) Other Commonly Used Commands Task Usage Example Description Change Gametype /rcon ggametype type /rcon ggametype koth Sets gametype.
Requires a map restart to take effect. Auto Team Balancing /rcon scrteambalance 0-1 /rcon scrteambalance 1 Force team balance off (0), on (1) Friendly Fire /rcon scrteamfftype 0-3 /rcon scrteamfftype 1 FF off (0), on (1), reflect (2), shared (3) Spectate Type /rcon scrgamespectatetype 0-2 /rcon scrgamespectatetype 2 Disabled (0), Team/Players Only (1), Free (2) Kill Camera /rcon scrgameallowkillcam 0-1 /rcon scrgameallowkillcam 1 Force killcam off (0), on (1) Private Chat to Player /rcon tell client # message /rcon tell 3 Hello Player Sends private message to a player.
Chat Via Console /rcon say message /rcon say Hello Player Messages are shown in game preceded by console: Kick and Ban Commands Task Usage Example Description Kick a Player by ID /rcon clientkick ID /rcon clientkick 3 Kick player from server by client number. Kick a Player by Name /rcon onlykick Name /rcon kick Playername Kick player by name from the server. Kick a Player by Colored Name /rcon kick Name /rcon kick ^1Playername Kick player by colored name from the server. (Must include Color Codes) Kick All Players /rcon kick all /rcon kick all Kicks all players from server. Kick All Players /rcon onlykick all /rcon onlykick all Kicks all players from server. Ban a Player by ID /rcon banClient ID /rcon banClient 3 Bans a user by their client number. Writes their GUID to ban.txt Ban a Player by Name /rcon banUser Name /rcon banUser playername Bans a user by their ingame name.
Writes their GUID to ban.txt Temp Ban a Player by ID /rcon tempBanClient ID /rcon tempBanClient 3 Kicks and temp bans player by client id from server. Temp Ban a Player by Name /rcon tempBanUser Name /rcon tempBanUser playername Kicks and temporarily bans player by name from server. Remote Admin Tools CoD4 does not have an ingame admin function other than rcon commands. Between these tools and the PB Webtool, you can perform any needed functions.
To use these tools or PB Webtool, you must minimize your game screen or run them from another pc on a home network. Punkbuster Information Because Punkbuster is a server itself, it requires cfg files and commands to tell it what to do.
It is only as good as what you configure it to do, including running cheat detection scans and gathering screenshots. Cheat detection is accomplished by the use of cvar and md5 checks that you use on your server. You need to get these checks from an anti-cheat group on the internet, and IMO there are only three worth your time, ACI, PBbans, and Punksbusted. You need to join these groups and request access to the 'private' checks they have to offer.
I suggest you join immediately, you can stream your logs to multiple Anti Cheat groups automatically, as well as have live banning to your server. I also suggest you apply for Private Server Admin at ACI asap, if approved they will give you access to the cvar and md5 cheat scans for your server. Anti Cheat Groups (PunkBuster) General Information Note: I have structured the download to be like the set supplied by ACI. The settings are a combination of public and stock settings supplied by Punkbuster.
These are links to the Evenbalance CoD4 sections. Reference: Reference: This is a link to the Punksbusted's PB Wiki. Reference: This is a brief description of the files included in the download: pbsv.cfg This file is Punkbusters's server cfg file.
It contains all the basic settings for your server, including the streaming info for ACI and PBbans. Pbsvuser.cfg This file is used to load all the other cfg's included in the download. Pbss.cfg This file contains the screenshot settings.
Clan.cfg This is the most important file. Messages, badnames, namelock, and all the features to PB are in here. This way you only need to edit one file normally.
Cod 4 Servers Zombie
Pbbans.dat This is the PB banlist. It is currently empty. Pbucon.use This file is from the live banning feature of Punkbuster. It is needed by PBbans. The Server Files Download this file and unzip it.
Open clan.cfg with Notepad and scroll to the section called PB WEBTOOL SETTINGS. Edit the HttpAddr with your server ip. Just the ip, no port number. It is set at 9025. Edit the HttpKey line, this is your Webtool access password, use a good password, security is everything!! Upload all the files from the zip to your servers ' pb' folder. Restart your server.
Checking and Updating PB You should now be able to go to your Punkbuster Server Webtool. The url would be like this: The x's are your server IP, and 9025 is the port number set in the pbsv.cfg. If you get a error, double check the url you typed in, double check the clan.cfg, and if you still get an error contact your game server provider, perhaps they only allow certain ports for PB. Remember that if you find an error and change something, you have to restart your server and check the url again. Assuming you can see your Webtool, look at the bottom of the page for the version number of PB running on your server.
It should look like this: v1.626 v2.032 A1394. The number on the left is the server version that is running, the number on the right is the required client version number. Go to and look at the Call of Duty 4 listing to see if yours is current, if not, go back to your Webtool. Put your password into the Webkey field and click the 'Command Screen' button. Next, click the 'pbsvupdate' button.
In about 10-15 minutes, come back to the webtool, login, and click the 'pbsvrestart' button. Check your version number again in a few minutes, you should be good to go. Note: DO NOT click the 'pbsvwritecfg' button, it will wipe out your pbsv.cfg file. Other Update Methods The cfg's in the zip file above have the update command in them, under normal circumstances the server will update itself. You can use pbsetup if you installed it on your box, just remember to check the PB server version number afterwards, i have had it update to the old version before. You can login with rcon and execute the command /rcon pbsvupdate.
A few minutes later, you need to issue the command /rcon pbsvrestart. You can get the server update file from Evenbalance, upload it to your servers pb folder and restart the server, the file is located on this page. Some server providers provide a PB Update link in their gamepanels. Additional Features There are many features to PB, they are in the clan.cfg in the download.
I will address them in the same order as the cfg. Note: The brackets.
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